Sunday, May 10, 2015

DIY Garden Boxes out of Shipping Pallets (in progress)

March 20, 2015  --  Picking up pallets and starting dissasembly

March 21, 2015  --  Pallet Dissasembly (cont...)

April 28, 2015  --  Assembly

April 29, 2015  --  1st Planter Box set in place.

May 2, 2015  --  Picking up more pallets

October 8, 2015  --  Installing Dirt/Fine Mulch Mixture

Up Next:
 - Build more planter beds adjacent to garage to match.

Front Room Remodel (in progress)

Prior to Home Purchase (Listing Photos)

August 8, 2014  --  Wallpaper Removal

November 1, 2014  --  Wallpaper clean-up

November 8, 2014  --  Mudding

November 15, 2014  --  Mudding Continued

January 1, 2015  --  Mudding Continued

May 2, 2015  --  Outlet/Vent Covers

May 9, 2015  --  Hardwood flooring salvage for use in front room.

May 10, 2015  --  Painted Walls

To be Completed (as of May 10, 2015):
 - Remove damaged flooring (DONE May 24)
 - Install new hardwood where missing/damaged (DONE May 24)
 - Fill in holes in small holes in hardwood 
 - Sand paint and other defects out of hardwood (Started June 13)
 - Stain hardwood
 - Apply epoxy coat
 - Paint floor vent covers and install
 - Install baseboard trim

May 24, 2015 -- Hardwood Floor Repairs

June 13, 2015 -- Sanding with Drum Sander

June 17, 2015 -- Staining

June 24, 2015 -- Decorating