Tuesday, December 11, 2012

No Work

Due to my arm and a recent slow down at work I have been home a lot recently.  We went out as a family today to run errands.

Danika dancing to Spanish music while Karli ran errands.  Karli makes fun of me but I worked landscaping for 4 years and listened to this music the majority of the time.  I was usually the minority and therefore only listed to English 25% of the time.  For about the first 2 years it drove me crazy and occasionally we would have radio station battles.  Whenever somebody left listening range of the radio it seemed to change from English to Spanish and visa-versa.  After a couple years of being annoyed it started to become not such a big deal.  And by the time I quit landscaping I occasionally enjoyed listening to the Spanish radio.  Now that I no longer work landscaping I sometimes miss it and if I run across a station on the radio I usually listen for a few minutes.

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