Saturday, April 11, 2015

Day trip to Green River WY

April 10, 2015
The valley of windmills

Dropped by K-Motive and chatted with Tyrell Jasperson

Grabbed a business card in hopes that we can get some competitive price quotes for ATVs and Trailers for work.

Dropped by Arctic Corcle for lunch.

Dropped by the Jasperson's house. Chatted with Tex and Jeri for a couple of hours. It was enjoyable. I enjoy hearing life experiences and viewpoints from those who have more life experience than myself. 

Jon Jasperson dropped by while we were visiting and gave Carlton and I these stickers in memory of Kreg. 

Dropped by the cemetery to visit Kreg's headstone. 

Abandoned communications device of some sort. I say bring a projector and watch a movie!
This road up to the Butte got pretty steep. Carlton was shocked I made it to where I did. I was out of breath hiking the rest of the hill.
Climbing Pilot Butte
Hard to tell but that's a 30' drop off we were looking down.
It was getting to dark and the road was getting too rough for my Toyota Echo so weave up on chasing the Wild Horses we saw from the Butte and headed back to Green River.
But then we found some as the daylight was all but gone. 

It was a fun day and we did a lot.

1 comment:

  1. What an incredible day, Carson! You must have had a blast! I'm jealous!
