Saturday, November 17, 2012

Shed Shelf Started

Nov 17, 2012

I worked on the shed today and yesterday.  Yesterday I started on the shelf in the very back.  I used what scrap 2x4s I could and they came out to be the perfect length to fit 2 milk crates deep.  I only had time to get enough 2x4s in to hold up the milk crates for that night.

Today I put a few more shingles on the roof.  It still is not 100% complete but they are good enough for this winter.  I still need to put some roof tar on the top nails, but I'm not too concerned if it does leak a little.  I finished adding the 2x4s to the shelf.  I like the 2x4 shelves, they were cheap and are very functional(also made mostly of my scraps).  I think I will add one more shelf allowing myself enough room to stack 2 milk crates tall.  This will make the to shelf more like a triangle but will give me enough room to stack more items upward.  Overall I am pleased with the added storage space I have. As far as the area is concerned the shed addition is taking up less space than what my things took up before, plus I have more room to grow if needed because of the added upward storage ability.  AND everything will stay dry!  Today I also added a wall to the end of the shed.  I really wanted to use the pre-made walls like my shed walls but I had the extra sheet of 4x8 plywood so I just decided to use that.  I may decide to swap it out for the pre-made walls in the future because they do look a lot nicer.

 I still have a bit of organizing to do.  I need to build that additional shelf and organize everything better.  Also my scrap metal pile is starting to get large enough to make another run to the scrap yard. I have several milk crates and 5 gal buckets of wire and I have 4 car batteries.  I also need to take 4 gal of oil to Autozone.  I would like to have more floor space and walking room.  So I will need to get most items off the floor and onto shelves so I have more working room.  I will probably end up using this lean-to as a garage when the weather gets colder or it's raining or snowing.  I plan to have tarps for walls and a heater inside if its really cold outside.  This will allow me a weather proof place to work on the xr600 this winter.  I would also like to find some other projects to make a little extra cash.  I have thrown around the idea of welding water fountains and selling them as art or landscaping water features. I'm sure I will find some other income based projects, now that a I have a place to work out of the elements.

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